browser bouncing

I have to run three different web browsers just to get all the stuff done I want to.

When I was using Windows, I bounced between Edge and Firefox. My Firefox was the one that had a bunch of add-ons installed to extend functionality. My Edge was kept almost 100% stock. The only add-on I had was to make new tabs blank, which I prefer.

In Linux, I run three browsers. Firefox, Chromium and Brave.


I have to.

Firefox is still my primary browser, but some sites just don't work correctly in it, and that's when I bounce over to Brave. I have one extension in Brave for saving web pages that doesn't work most of the time... and in fact, I wonder why I still even have that installed. Chromium also has one extension, and it's a repeat of what I used in Windows with Edge to have new tabs as blank.

Anything sensitive I do (like finance) is what Chromium is used for. Anything regular I do happens in Firefox, unless that browser bugs out and then I bounce to Brave.

The most annoying thing about Firefox is when dealing with video, no question. It doesn't matter whether it's YouTube, Twitter/X or wherever the video is served from. Firefox just sometimes bugs out after being open a long time and has to be restarted just to get working right again.

Firefox has strengths, however. Bookmark management is amazing. When video is working properly, sending it out of the browser to a corner of the screen works great. Brave does that too, but not as well as Firefox does. I can do more things with keyboard shortcuts in Firefox than I can in Brave or Chromium.

The best thing about Brave is that I can run it stock, and that is in fact good enough. It's the only browser where I can say that and mean it.

I treat Chromium in Linux just like I did Edge in Windows. Again, that browser is just for the sensitive stuff and I don't mess with it otherwise. Yes, I could use Brave for sensitive stuff, but I bounce in and out of that browser whereas with Chromium I don't and it just sits there until I need it for something - which is how I like it.

I fault nobody for using multiple browsers, because you pretty much have to if you do anything more than casual browsing. And yeah, this carries to my phone as well, as I use two browsers there.

If you're a Windows user, use multiple browsers now and think you can shim down to just one by switching operating systems to Linux... nope. At first, I tried getting along with just Firefox, but that didn't work out. Then I tried Firefox and Chromium. That worked out for a while, but I needed a third, and that's where Brave came into the picture.

Don't feel bad if you have to browser bounce. Use whatever you have to do get whatever you want done.

Published 2024 Jul 3