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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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47,885 miles later

Note: I will be posting the rest of my Universal stuff soon. I haven't yet because there's a lot to go thru. 🙂


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universal studios trip - part 2

Below: In the Studios side of the park, the area is set to resemble Hollywood. In the photo below you can see the Beverly Hills sign. You can also see the Terminator 2 3-D show which, admittedly, is good. It's really old, but really good.

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universal studios trip - part 1

Okay, here we go. I've got a ton of photos to show and I'll try to stick to just the good ones. 🙂

Below: When you first enter the place, you start at the resort. You can see the large Universal gate beyond the large parking gate.

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