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shoutout to dave


This is Dave's Ford Explorer. How do I know? His name is on it. Dave announces himself wherever he goes because darn it, he's just that important.

Dave's truck smokes like an incinerator. You might think that's because the engine is on its last leg. No. Dave did that on purpose to keep people from tailgating him. Safety first.

Dave always keeps Black Ice inside, because Dave keeps it fresh.

Dave has the coolest steering wheel cover you've ever seen.

Dave wears nothing but cool guy t-shirts and awesome pants, because Dave knows fashion.

See that American flag sticker on the back? That's because Dave eats nothing but raw meat on a stick and washes it down with whiskey.

What's Dave's job? Looking better than you.

All women love Dave, and all men want to be Dave.

Keep on Dave'n, Dave.

Published 2024 Jun 27

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