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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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Why are so many guitar necks thin?

What can you do to find a thicker neck that feels better?

Specifically look up new guitar model listings that state the 1st and 12th fret neck depth measurements. That's a start.

As for the shoulder, that's not something numbers would give you good information on. But chances are fairly good that if the first fret has at least a 0.85" depth and the twelfth fret close to 1.0", that should feel pretty darned good to your fret hand.

Where the letter shapes are concerned, the vast majority will be C, D or U. I'd actually say go for the D first if you have the choice (again, that's the '59 LP shape), but a C with some good shoulder to it also feels great.

You may find that none of the guitars out there right now have that super-comfortable shape you want. If that happens, don't be afraid to just buy a neck outright (for bolt-on guitars, of course).

I got lucky with my Furrian. Rondo does list neck depth for many of their guitars, and the price is certainly good. But if you're looking for something more upscale, you'll have to do the research...

...but is it well worth your time to do so. Neck comfort is very important, and one thing is certainly clear. Where guitar necks are concerned, thin is not in.

Published 2020 Nov 5

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