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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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Guitar of the week #67 - Gretsch FSR Two-Tone Electromatic Double Jet

Gretsch Electromatic Double Jet

Wow, what a looker.

Quick note up front: Gretsch is a Fender brand which is why this is labeled as FSR (Fender Special Run.)

There are regular Gretsch Electromatic Double Jet guitars normally seen in black, red and gold (the gold one in particular in amazing,) but then there's the special run Surf Green and White version seen above, and my God does it look good.

How many guitars do you know that could get away with a surf green front and white sides and back?

Gretsch Electromatic Double Jet

...and with gold hardware? This is probably your first time ever seeing this particular color combo, and it's only something Gretsch could do.

Gretsch has a knack for color. On any other guitar, this would not work, but on this Double Jet it totally does. And it's not a bad price, either.

Published 2016 Jul 20

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