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fix for facebook pages that won't let you "unlike" them

Follow-up to yesterday's post.

I finally found out how to "unlike" those stupid pages that wouldn't let me before. It's because of what's known as redirect pages.

Confused? So was I until I figured it out.

How it's done is like this:

  1. Login to Facebook
  2. Go to your profile page
  3. Click the "likes" box which lists all your likes.
  4. Click on the page you can't get rid of.
  5. On that page, look directly under the name of it at top. If it says "Redirected from [whatever]", click that. It's probably the exact same name.
  6. When the next page loads, THAT'S THE ONE you unlike, and it's finally gone from your like list.

Facebook can be stupid sometimes.

But at least my 'like' list is now cleared like I wanted it to be in the first place.

I swear, sometimes we'd be better off using typewriters.

Published 2012 Jun 2

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