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Hair, balding and the clipper shortage of 2020


Men should not be afraid to buzz their hair, be it for hair loss reasons or ridiculous barber prices. And do you remember the hair clipper shortage thing that happened before?

In 2020, a lot of barbershops and hair salons were closed. If you forgot why, just see what happened that year. I'm sure you remember.

One thing I didn't mention in the video below is that there was a genuine shortage of electric hair clippers in '20. Oh sure, you can find them easily now (and if you haven't bought clippers in a while, you seriously should), but there was a point in '20 for a few months where absolutely nobody had them. All the hair cutting places were closed and everybody rushed to anywhere hair clippers were sold and bought one or two. Nobody knew when the barbers and salons would open shop again, so oh yeah, hair clippers sold out real fast.

Since '20, the price of men's haircuts has gone to insane levels. Some places have increased prices as much as 300%. That's not a typo.

What's even worse is spending the high price and receiving a bad haircut, especially if you're losing your hair.

Even before '20 happened, I did experiment with buzzing my hair a few times. I do have some hair loss going on. I'm middle aged, so whatever, I've earned it. The hair loss I have is what most other guys would consider mild, but yeah, it's there.

At this point in my life, I don't go to barbers anymore and buzz my own hair for two main reasons. The barber price is too high and barbers around here give bad haircuts. I am literally better off just buzzing my own hair with a #1 or #2 guard.

The craziest thing is that a hair clipper set pays for itself after just one buzzing. It used to take 2 to 3 uses before that happened, but now it's just one.

Back to the hair loss thing, I'll echo something from the video below.

The internet always says if you're losing your hair, just work up the courage buzz it off and do it. That advice is correct. Yes, you can try hats or hair transplants or minoxidil or wigs or whatever, but for most guys it's just better to grab the clippers and go for it.

Published 2023 Jun 1

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