Can the Gibson Firebird X be saved?

Gibson Firebird X

Above is a Gibson Firebird X; a ridiculously expensive guitar that looks like a children's toy. Oh sure, it's got every single feature you'd ever want, including one that you don't: The fact that when the proprietary battery dies, it renders the instrument unplayable until you put in a freshly charged battery. I'm not kidding. But it's New! and Interesting! and Innovative! Yeah, well the guitar community said to Gibson that they can take their new, interesting, innovative nonsense and shove it.


Squier Jazzmaster gets upgrades with both new and 21-year-old parts


My Squier Jazzmaster developed an electronics problem. The volume pot developed a nasty dead spot around a 3/4 turn, and the tone pot was getting a bit scratchy.


No love for the Fender Mustang

Fender Classic Series Mustang

I do champion Fender design, but I don't like all their guitars. One guitar I simply can't stand is the Mustang.
