8 V-style guitars for under 500 bucks

V-shaped electric guitars are just cool. I owned one in the past and may again in the future. Do I really need one for anything? Nope. I just like the way they look. My preferred V shape is what's known as a Rhoads V where the bottom fin is shorter than the top.


Top 5 things musicians and bands do on the internet that are wrong

I'm going to say up front that I am not a master of knowledge when it comes to how musicians and bands conduct themselves on the internet. However I don't think anyone will disagree with my list below of things musicians and bands do on the internet that are flat out wrong.


Rich's 10 recording tips to get songs done fast

Next week I plan on releasing another song. The rough draft is already online, and the finalized version of that should be done before the tail of next week. The only reason it hasn't been done sooner is because I've been dealing with some computer issues (stupid power supply crap), but I'll have that all taken care of next week.
