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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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My favorite China copy relic guitars


This article is just for the dudes, since as I've said before that "relic" guitars are absolute woman repellent. Let's see what we can get for cheap here.

Before continuing, never pay big money for a "relic" job. Buy cheap and stay cheap when it comes to these things.

I can understand guys who spend big cash for guitars that use exotic woods that have grain patterns, grain lines and so on that really pop that would look right at home in an orchestral setting. But as for the relic stuff, paying big for it is a total waste of cash. So again, buy cheap and stay cheap.

Here are the China copy "relic" guitars that are cheap and actually carry the look fairly well for what they are.

(Also, I will provide tips at the end for easy ways to "relic" things yourself.)

Start by going to the next page.

Published 2019 Feb 15

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