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Cheap guitar collectible for end of 2021, Squier Bullet Stratocaster HT


This is only true if you get a very specific color.

The Squier Bullet Stratocaster HT comes in 5 colors. Black, Brown Sunburst, Fiesta Red, Sonic Gray and Tropical Turquoise. The most collectible of these colors is...

Sonic Gray.


Guitar Center doesn't put this specific color in their stores.

The reason GC doesn't carry this color is because they have three Limited Edition colors of their own for this guitar. Sea Foam Green, Red Sparkle and Lake Placid Blue (the blue is the best of the lot.)

However, it's the Sonic Gray one that's the elusive color. Some guitar dealers have this guitar in stock, but not all that many. If you want Sonic Gray, it's almost a certainty you'll have to buy it online.

Fortunately, the guitar is cheap (under $200) so it absolutely won't break the bank.

I'm not saying this guitar is any better than the other Bullet HT models. What I am saying is that if you want some cheap exclusivity, getting one of these in Sonic Gray is the way to do it.

Published 2021 Dec 2

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