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The watch you buy when your smartwatch breaks


Anybody who wears a smartwatch eventually ends up wearing something like this instead.

On more than one occasion, I've seen people talking about watches like the Casio W218 where something is said along the lines of, "Yeah, well, I have a smartwatch and bought one of these cheap Casios as a backup. I liked it so much that I now wear it all the time."

I think what actually happened is a little different.

When somebody buys a smartwatch, they quickly grow to like having something on the wrist that tells the time and date at a glance. Very useful.

The decision is made at that point to buy a plain digital watch as a backup timepiece. It needs to be something square or rectangle because that's what the smartwatch shape is. They find the Casio W218. It's reasonably sized, lightweight, fits the wrist great and does the job just fine.

After that, the discovery is made that the smartwatch was never needed in the first place. What was needed was just a timepiece, and for anything else that requires mobile computing power, that's what the phone is for. This is when decision is made to just wear the Casio all the time.

Get a Casio wet and it will still work. It doesn't need charging and has a battery that lasts 5 to 7 years. Ding it up, scratch it up, whatever, it can handle it.

A plain digital Casio watch is just better at handling life, and that's why people buy these things.

Published 2021 Oct 5

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