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How to get quality guitar audio on the Zoom R8

The book is done and is available now.

I recently released a video showing the kind of sound you can get using nothing but the Zoom R8 standalone multitrack recorder:

When I say "nothing but the Zoom R8", that's exactly what I mean. Just the R8. No pedals or amps used. Just the guitar plugged in direct.

There are a lot of R8 owners that don't know they can do this. But yes, you can.

Originally, I wrote The Better Zoom R8 Manual, and while that is comprehensive, I left out talking about the guitar effects. Why? Because it's a subject big enough that it needed its own book...

...and now it has one.

Get your copy of How to custom create guitar patches on the Zoom R8.

Published 2017 Feb 13

Best ZOOM R8 tutorial book
highly rated, get recording quick!

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