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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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Affordable vintage Fender electric guitars

Fender '70s Stratocaster

Certain Fender guitars that are over 25 years old (generally speaking, if it's over 25, it's vintage) are actually fairly affordable. At the time I write this, that means anything made from 1989 or earlier...

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Poor man's guitar pick fixer


My guitar pick of choice these days is the Fender 351 Premium Celluloid in medium thickness, "Ocean Turquoise" color. It's a great pick, but the problem is that celluloid wears out real fast.

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Can the Gibson Firebird X be saved?

Gibson Firebird X

Above is a Gibson Firebird X; a ridiculously expensive guitar that looks like a children's toy. Oh sure, it's got every single feature you'd ever want, including one that you don't: The fact that when the proprietary battery dies, it renders the instrument unplayable until you put in a freshly charged battery. I'm not kidding. But it's New! and Interesting! and Innovative! Yeah, well the guitar community said to Gibson that they can take their new, interesting, innovative nonsense and shove it.

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