galactic bowling


Yesterday I went galactic bowling with friends. It's the first time I've been bowling in years. The first game I absolutely sucked and scored a 93 if I remember correctly, the second game I got a 116 and the third a 115. Any time I break over 100, I'm a happy guy because that's pretty much the best I can do. 🙂

Because this was galactic bowling there were flashy moving lights, fog machines running and lasers everywhere - but I wanted that because it was different.

I did something during the 3rd game that I don't ever remember doing before - a double-strike. I've never gotten the turkey (3 strikes) but the fact I got 2 was pretty awesome.

I'm a little sore today from not throwing a bowling ball in years, but it's well worth it. I hope to do it again soon.

Published 2011 May 28