I've been using Linux for over a month

Different stuff I had to get used to

No drive letters in Linux, which doesn't bother me.

After saving a bash script, it does require an executable permission set to run it with chmod +x

Seeing free drive space available isn't told by ls but rather df (meaning "disk-free") for bytes or df -h to show info in a more human-readable format.

Similarly, a list of every file on the system and how much space it uses is done with du ("disk usage") or du -h. Writing that to a text file is done with du -h >list.txt or whatever file name you want. After the text file is written, it can be viewed using any text editor like nano, Geany, Kate, and so on.

In Kubuntu, yes you can see all the free space and usage info with the GUI using the default Dolphin file manager. But I like that I can get the info I want straight from Terminal also. Also, Dolphin does show a "progress bar" like indicator for used/free space similar to Windows.

Copying files in Terminal is done with cp and moving with mv. However, it doesn't state what it's doing unless the verbose option is enabled such as cp ~/Documents/file.odt ~/Desktop/file.odt -v.

To get a text-based file copy progress bar while a copy is taking place, one way to do it is install gcp. It's in the Synaptic Package Manager.

Viewing all the hidden folders a.k.a. dot folders is ls -lat (or ls -lath for more human readable) in Terminal. In Dolphin, it's hamburger menu > Show Hidden Files or just CTRL+H on the keyboard.

Then there's the KDE stuff.

Published 2023 Jul 20