Gibson Les Paul Standard is a waste of money

The USA Les Paul Standard is one of those things many players think is a magic guitar. It's not and no guitar is. What makes a guitar magical is the player and not the guitar itself. Anyone with half a brain knows this.


my transition to the jazzmaster

Below is Roy Clark playing a Fender Jazzmaster. And no, I had absolutely no idea he ever played one until just recently. As far as when the program above aired, that I'm not sure of. The Jazzmaster made its first appearance in 1958, so the program may have been aired then. Or it may have been in the early 1960s right before the transition to color television. Either way, yes, that is the Roy Clark playing a Jazzmaster.


so how does it feel now that i finally own a jazzmaster?

I mentioned before that I wanted a Squier Vintage Modified Jazzmaster, and now I finally have one. I've owned it for a very short time, but how do I feel about it? Well, that's what this bloggo is about.
