trying to get a strat tremolo to act like a jazzmaster/jaguar vibrato and failing at it

This is going to be a guitar-nerdy article, but if you're a Strat owner, you'll appreciate this information due to the fact that very few people actually know how to set up a Strat tremolo system correctly.

Three things to get out of the way up front.


Which famous model of Jazzmaster does the Squier model pattern after?

Classic Vibe and Vintage Modified Squier guitars closely follow the designs of famous Fender guitar models, but of course do not replicate them exactly. Certain things are changed for modern playing style and feel.


after a month of owning a jazzmaster...

Squier Jazzmaster

It's been a month (well, very close to a month) since getting the Jazzmaster, and some interesting things have happened, both good and bad.
