Video Galaxy Stores

Digging through my old stuff I found some old video store rental cards from a business that closed well more than a decade ago called Video Galaxy. I always thought that was a very cool name for a video store.

I found that I had not one but three cards in my possession:


TRON: Legacy

TRON: Legacy

I finally got around to seeing TRON: Legacy. On a four-star rating I'd give it a 3. It's above-average and very well done, but is yet another one of those movies that focuses too much on effects and not enough on story just like The Incredible Hulk.


florida's no-eye zone

I'm admittedly a geography junkie and have been for years. Stats and figures about population, roads and other geographic data interests me. This started when I was living in CT and wanted an answer to a simple question: How many people are there in that state? The answer is 3.5 million, and strictly speaking of population density, CT is ranked 4th while FL is ranked 8th. What can I say, they pack 'em in like sardines in The Nutmeg State. I also have an affection for places labeled as 'off the beaten path', because they much like cities have quirky personalities to them.
