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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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My favorite China copy relic guitars

Sunburst Relic P-Bass Copy

Sunburst Relic P-Bass Copy

Last up, we have a Precision Bass copy.

To those that know basses, yes the pickup covers are wrong as there are no pole pieces showing - but as you'll see from the listing, the back of the neck is distressed, and there's one other thing staring you straight in the face...

...a vintage-correct (mostly) bridge cover.

For those of you that aren't bass players, the fact this is a relic that comes with the correct bridge cover makes this worth buying alone. It's one of those stupid pieces of hardware that completes the look but you always have to pay out the nose for. But not on this bass. It comes with it, and the bass is cheap.

Now let's look at ways to relic for cheap.

Published 2019 Feb 15

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