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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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Weirdest 2024 Fender Stratocaster guitar color


Oh, do you have to pay a pretty penny just to get this.

Above is the Fender 70th Anniversary Ultra Stratocaster HSS. It's expensive, and it only comes in one color. That color is called Amethyst.

Actual amethyst is quartz with a violet color to it. And yeah, I think Fender did translate that to a finish fairly well. The color does "move" as far as I can tell and definitely looks like something upscale. And yes, this is the kind of finish that does change color depending on how you look at it.

Is this guitar all about the paint? Of course not, and there's certainly more to it.

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Pearloid pick guards are dopey but cool


I think pearloid a.k.a. "mother of toilet seat" has come around to the point where it's cool again. It's still dopey due to it being an obvious fake fancy. But when I look at it now, I think yeah, not bad and I like it again. As you see on the Squier Classic Vibe 70s Stratocaster (only on the black one), it can work.

What do I mean by fake fancy? Let's talk about that.

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How I made my sneakers fit correctly


A while ago (possibly about a year?), I bought a pair of Skechers Vigor sneakers because they offer a wide size and have a nice unassuming appearance to them.

The sneakers arrive in the mail, I put them on, and they fit but at the same time they didn't.

I figured these things are new so they have to be broken in. I tried wearing them for a few days but they still felt wrong.

I made a decision at that point.

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