No Internet Exploder!


I think it's safe to say that Internet Explorer 8 is the last "bad" IE that will ever exist, because IE9 is pretty darned good. I've been using it off and on and it's definitely a good browser.

With that said, here's a good ol' late-90s browser wars web page still in its original state: No Internet Exploder!

The date at the bottom of the page states it was last updated April 24, 1998. That's just over 12 years ago as of this writing. It was a time a few months before Windows 98 was released, meaning everyone was using Windows 95.

If you think there's enough Apple hate going around right now, it was nothing compared to the mudslinging people threw at Microsoft left and right back in the day. You see all the standard childish "words", like M$, Microshaft, Windoze, etc. Funny stuff. Mac and Linux zealots still use these childish "words" to this day (and look unbelievably stupid every time they do). I guess some things never change.

The primary font used on the web page is Verdana, which is, of course, a standard Windows font. Oh, the irony.

There's also the standard boycott-everything-this-company-makes message there as well. Whenever anything becomes popular on the Internet, someone will throw out "boycott [insert popular thing here]". Happens every time.

Oh, and let's not forget the "International Anti-Microsoft Webring". That's linked there too. Clicking on it brings you to the original webring or force-redirects you to some dopey Nintendo fanboy website. Don't ask me why that happens because I have no idea. Webring is just totally screwed up and has been for years.

When you read that web page now, sure, it looks stupid as hell. But the original author was REALLY REALLY SERIOUS about getting people to stop using "MSIE". Did he? Of course not, because nobody cares.

Published 2010 Sep 20