Cheap guitar report for May 2013


Something I didn't even realize until just recently is after all this time, I own the two most popular guitar shapes in existence, that being the Stratocaster and the Les Paul shapes. That doesn't mean anything, but it feels kinda cool. 🙂

So anyway, here's how my 'yellow brigade' guitars have fared out.


I am a Squier snob

There are times when I butt heads with people online concerning guitar snobbery, mainly because I play Squier guitars and champion the cheap axes over the expensive ones. I have been told both by snotty kids and snobby adults to "play a real guitar" many, many times. Of course, they don't know I own not one but two "real" Fender Strats, one of which is an American model. But that doesn't matter to the snotty kid or the snobby adult, because all they see is Squier. They see that logo on the headstock, instantly make a judgment and that's that.


Clacky vs. non-clacky guitar picks


"Clacky pick" = the now-classic Fender 351 celluloid in heavy thickness ("351" refers to the shape), although it doesn't have to be made by Fender specifically as shown above. The picks in the photo by the way are older-style Gibson Standard "USA" picks from the 1990s that a friend sent me, found at a flea market which is why they're all scratched up.
