What does an "offset" guitar mean?

A guitar described as being "offset" refers to the guitar body and literally means the upper and lower halves of the body are offset from each other. With the Fender and Squier Jaguar for example, you can see that the body "leans forward"; this is altogether different from the Stratocaster or Telecaster.


Why does the Road Worn Stratocaster still exist?


I think it's safe to say that the trend of "relic" Strats is officially over, because whenever you mention "relic" these days, players get pretty disgusted by it, as in, "Oh, another one of those fake-old things. Yeah, whatever."

And yet, Fender still churns out Road Worn Strats, selling for a street price of $900 a pop (before tax and shipping, of course).

Are players really still buying these things?

The difference between 250K and 500K pots in electric guitars


I got a request to write this one.
