Gibson's "Norlin era" electric guitars

Gibson electrics produced during the "Norlin era" are units produced from 1970 through 1983; these are considered by many Gibson fans to be the worst guitars Gibson ever made, and for good reason - they were in fact awful.


Top 5 guitar finishes companies always get right or always get wrong

What makes or breaks wanting a guitar or not for many is the finish. Now bear in mind "finish" does not mean the same as "paint". For example a "natural finish" obviously isn't a paint. It could be clearcoat to bring out the guitar wood's natural color, or maybe a stain to slightly darken a wood's natural color. So when I say "finish", I'm referring to paints, clearcoats, stains, semi-stains, "burst" style and so on.


Rich Recommends: Epiphone Wilshire PRO

Epiphone Wilshire PRO

People know me as a Fender guy (a Squier guy more specifically), so why am I recommending a Gibson brand Epiphone Wilshire PRO?
