How did I learn to play Paranoid the right way? From a magazine


Above is the cover of the August 1992 issue of Guitar World. I was 17 at the time, and I bought the mag for one reason and one reason only - Tony Iommi was on the cover.


Guitar buyer's remorse

Every guitar player at some point experiences guitar buyer's remorse. It's when you put a bunch of money into a specific guitar only to discover it's not the magical axe you thought it was going to be, and then the sinking feeling sets in of, "Oh, crap.. I spent way too much money on that guitar."

Have I ever experienced guitar buyer's remorse? Yes. But I learned from the experience and know not to do it again.


How to record multitrack audio without a computer

(QUICK SOLUTION before starting this: If you were looking for a right-now solution to multitrack recording without a computer that is digital, you want a Zoom R8 or a Tascam DP-008. No computer is required and the unit is completely self-contained. If you were looking for the old-school analog method, keep reading.)

The first question on your mind when it comes to recording with no computer is, "Why?"
