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My 3 favorite guitar coffee mugs

Best Guitarist Ever Mug

Most guitar themed coffee mugs suck, but these don't.

Best. Guitarist. Ever.

This is the mug seen above. Simple, to the point and is the standard 11oz size. Also comes in all white, two tone red, two tone green and two tone yellow. Safe for microwave and dishwasher.

Acoustic Guitars Mug
Acoustic Guitars Mug

Another simple design, this time in a larger 15oz size. The best part about this mug, other than the fact it's microwave and dishwasher safe, is the easy-grip handle. A mug isn't worth anything if the handle can't be gripped properly. This one passes the grip test very easily.

Mugrock Mug
"Mugrock" Mug

This is one of those hand-wash-only mugs but it definitely has character to it. Fortunately it has character without looking overly goofy and actually has a proper handle to it (other guitar themed mugs have guitar-shaped handles that are just awful). It's a bit on the small side but it definitely gets attention.

This is a sharp not a hashtag
"This is a Sharp # Not A Hashtag"

I threw this one in as a bonus mug. It's not guitar themed but still music themed. If you're a music geek, band nerd or whatever, this is a good mug to have. Standard 11oz size, proper handle and totally dishwasher/microwave safe. In fact, this one is the most dishwasher/microwave safe of the lot due to its simplest design. You'd probably have to run this through a dishwasher several thousand times before the print wears out (if ever?)

Published 2017 Jul 26

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