5 easy ways to tell if an electric guitar is junk or not when in the guitar store

If you buy enough electric guitars, at some point you run into that "played and sounded great in the store, but then played and sounded like crap when I got it home" scenario. This happens to a lot of guitar buyers, and yes I've had it happen to me a few times. And remember, this can happen with any guitar regardless of how cheap or expensive it is.

Fortunately there are a few really easy things you can do while in the guitar store to determine whether a guitar is junk or not.


Why I never got into Les Paul guitars

Gibson Les Paul

When I was a kid just starting out on guitar in the very-early 1990s, the Strat was the guitar. None of the guitar stores ever featured the Les Paul at the time. You never saw them in the glass case that some guitar stores had. Most of the time, all you ever saw there were premium American Stratocaster guitars.


moon over parador

Moon Over Parador

Moon Over Parador (1988) is one of those movies where I seriously cannot remember whether I saw it in the theater, rented it or saw it on TV. Part of my brain thinks I actually saw this in the theater; another says no, I must have rented this (I did sometimes rent movies I ordinarily never would just because I was in the video store and had to rent something so I wouldn't leave empty-handed); and yet another part says I must have seen this on TV as one of those filler movies during the summer. I just don't remember.
