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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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New bass guitar

It was finally time to retire my old cheap Epiphone P-Bass guitar and buy a new cheap bass guitar. (grin) The only reason I own an electric bass is to lay down my own bass tracks in my home recording studio - so needless to say it does not have to be an expensive instrument.

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Emma dies

My cat, Emma, after being here since 1992-ish has passed away. A lot of my friends knew her.

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Windows 98 Sucks

After rebuilding the Stinkpad Thinkpad 390 laptop (yet again) I finally got a stable installation of Windows 98 that works. As it stands it is now 100% finished and is going to stay that way. Sidenote: I should have researched laptops a little better before buying the 390. That thing is just too damn slow. I'm giving it to my pop so he can install his GPS software on it which will work fine on it. For me I need something with some more oomph behind it. Eventually I will buy a Dell Inspiron or Latitude. Probably a C610 model because I know the chassis very well and can fix any part that breaks on it (including the LCD).

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