Why I think GPS should be a standard feature in every single car made

Earlier today:

I'm fueling up at the gas station. A lady pulls up behind me to put gas in her car. I finish pumping my gas, go inside to pay, then come back out. I get in my vehicle, start it and am about to head out. The lady behind me sees that I'm ready to pull forward and leave but then backs up herself and heads out (guess she couldn't wait the extra thirty seconds).

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Garmin StreetPilot c340 and 2720 review

On this Christmas Eve, Santa came by (better known as the UPS delivery guy) and delivered my Garmin StreetPilot c340 and Pop's Garmin SteetPilot 2720. Here's my review on both.

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Garmin StreetPilot i3 POI Goodness

On the product page for the Garmin StreetPilot i3 (of which I am a proud owner) Garmin now states:

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