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***Secret FSR Fender guitars? Yes, they exist, and they're right here

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Extended range guitars are stupid

Ibanez RG9

When the 2010s decade started, some really good things happened with guitars.

One of those good things is that bunch of guitar companies starting bringing back their older, classic designs that hadn't been made for years if not decades. Another good thing is that we started seeing guitar colors that hadn't been around for a while either. And yet another good thing was that in the sub-$500 range, some really good guitars started appearing from just about every major brand.

On the flip side of that however is the utterly stupid thing known as the extended range guitar, which is absolutely one of the most useless guitars that exists.

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How to change plain photos to awesome banner images for Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus


You may have seen my Twitter profile and wonder how I get visual effects like that for a banner image.

I use nothing but free tools on the web. Yeah, I have image editors, but I find the online way of doing it is faster and easier.

Here's how it's done.

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Weird Al "Tacky" review

I've been a Weird Al listener for a long time, and something a lot of people don't take into consideration is just how damned good of a musician he is.

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