how to cool down a car without air conditioning

I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess it isn't, so I'm stepping up to the plate to tell you how it's done.

Like many other people, I drive a car with four doors and power windows. But even if you don't have power windows, this can still be done.

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press CTRL+F5 to pay respects

Yes, I redesigned my site. Don't freak out about it.

This is the first redesign I've done in a while. A long while, actually. Years, in fact. I have regular readers, so yeah I had to write about this. When a site has a specific design that it carries for a long time and then changes, the regulars get alarmed by that.

So what prompted the change?

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browser bouncing

I have to run three different web browsers just to get all the stuff done I want to.

When I was using Windows, I bounced between Edge and Firefox. My Firefox was the one that had a bunch of add-ons installed to extend functionality. My Edge was kept almost 100% stock. The only add-on I had was to make new tabs blank, which I prefer.

In Linux, I run three browsers. Firefox, Chromium and Brave.


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